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Choice. We think we have it, are making it, but without knowledge, true choice is not possible.

That is what started me on this journey, to share my knowledge and learning about how and what we should feed these loving companions of ours and to offer dog lovers information so they could have a choice and make informed decisions.

It is accepted wisdom now, passed on from Hippocrates even, that you are what you eat, and this no less applies to us as it does to our dogs.  What we feed them matters, matters to their health and wellbeing, to their vitality, absence of disease and sickness, and to their longevity.  What you feed your dog matters.

There is so much misinformation, myth, scaremongering, and complexity when you look at what to feed your dog, it is hardly any wonder that even the most ardent dog lover will surrender to the advertising of the pet food giants.

Divide and conquer? Maybe, but the role here at Wellbeing for Dogs is to inform, to educate, to share and inspire.  And along the way, dispel those myths.

Wellbeing for Dogs makes products based on the bounty of nature, the science of nutrition and what we know dogs need in the diet, to bridge the gap between the everyday food that we make for ourselves and what is required by these four legged fur kids in our lives.

Life is busy, we are time poor and barely get to feed ourselves well, but my goal is to inspire you to nurture yourself along with your dog because you will thank each other in the long term.

I love the ideas of Jamie Oliver, that good food shouldn't be difficult or expensive, that wholesome delicious nutritious is easy for you, and easy peasy to adapt for your dog.

Join me on this journey.


Dogs have different dietary needs to humans, and a lot of dogs won’t be receiving the levels of nutrients that they need to thrive. Having an idea of your dog’s basic nutrient needs and what they receive through their food should be a priority when it comes to structuring a well-rounded dog diet.

Like it or not, poop is one of the main ways we can keep an eye on our dog’s health - the colour, smell and consistency can be a first hand indicator into the health of our pups and whether something might be amiss inside.

What does it mean to be an “ethical” pet owner or have an eco-friendly dog anyway, and how can we take steps towards protecting the future of our - and our dogs’ - planet?

In this blog, we’re going to explore the evolving landscape of ethical pet ownership.